Typhoon is an open-source implementation of the vortex-lattice method to perform a dynamic stability analysis for hydrofoil crafts. The goal is that the code should be able to handle the dynamic stability analysis of different types of hydrofoil designs. It is primarily focused on being a tool to be used in a preliminary design stage to get a better understanding on how design parameters influence the dynamic stability. Through the use of the vortex-lattice method some accuracy is compromised in favour of a lower calculation cost. This loss in accuracy is mostly due to the non-existing viscous effects in potential-flow theory. This however enables to swiftly compare the dynamic behaviour of different designs at different conditions. As such this tool can be used by industry leaders and by amateurs alike. The code allows to define the geometry of the appendages which form the supporting structure in the air-borne mode. Only these appendages need to be defined as most components above the water (e.g. hull) do not contribute to dynamic behaviour directly as long as the vessel is in air-borne mode. External forces from engines or sails can be defined and included in the calculations. Along with the definition of the (foil) geometry there is also a possibility to define the conditions like speed, trim, draft (or foil submergence)... This again is an important feature as it allows to understand how a vessel can be optimised for different sailing conditions (e.g. high-peed vs low-speed).
General introduction on Typhoon by Alec Bagué: